Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stupid Cowlick!!!!!?

i have a cowlick in the back of my head right between the top and very back of my head. it looks like i have a bald spot. my hair is about medium length, not qite touching the eyebrows. What can i do????? besides cutting it or asking someone??? be specific PLEASE!

Stupid Cowlick!!!!!?

i actually have 3 cowlicks and i HATE them.. i found out though that when i straighten them down with an iron it gets worse but when i blowdry them down when my hair is dry it works.

good luck!

Stupid Cowlick!!!!!?

you have to "train" your hair, when you get out of the shower come your hair so it is covering it, and when you sleep sleep on the side of your face. i have a cowlick in the front of my head, so this is what i do

Stupid Cowlick!!!!!?

i think cowlicks are cute. haha. but. to get rid of them. you can just mess up your hair and comb it in the opposite direction of the cowlick. it should stay that way if you keep forcing it to go the opposite way.

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