Mostly im looking for medium to long hair length pics. My hair is very straight and wont hold regular curlling methods very long, so I need visual options! Thanks to all.
Im looking for pics of body wave or soft curl perms, but cant find what Im looking 4!Can any one please help?
Mostly perms make your hair really curly and you can't get any soft curls with them. instead of a perm i'll tell you what works for my thin hair;
1. Wash your hair the day before you curl it (not the day of, because when it it too clean it dosent hold curls as well)
2. Mousse damp hair after your shower (the day before curling)
3. you can use a curling iron, but hot rollers work best for my hair, and i use a curling iron to do touch ups when they are out.
4. while you have the hot rollers in your hair, spray them before they cool off.
5. Take out the curlers, style then spray until it dosen't move! lol
good luck finding a good style! but i still wouldnt recomend a perm because once i got one and wasn't satisfied at all! i hope this will help!
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