My long, straight hair is naturally dark blonde. In the past I have gotten salon foil highlights that are medium blonde. I have been growing these highlights out and I have "roots" that are 6 inches in length. I want to color my hair at home, but I am afraid to color over the last 8 inches or so of my hair that have salon highlights already. I have never done at-home coloring before. Can I apply color out of the box right on top of my existing highlights? THANK YOU for your advice!
Can I color my hair at home?
Yes you can apply dye over the highlights, but the highlighted area might look a smidge lighter. If its your first time trying to dye your hair yourself, try a semi permanent color (so if it doesn't turn out will wash out in a month) or if you want the highlighted effect again, go with the herbal essence highlighting kit with the neat highlighting tool to make it easier on yourself.
Can I color my hair at home?
Sure, it's your decision.
But listen to this, researchers show that men are more attracted to brunettes than blonde's. So if you are a blonde, think about being a brunette!
Can I color my hair at home?
check the links below for * Hair coloring tips
Can I color my hair at home?
Why don't you just have the salon retouch the highlights? Or at just have them color what ever you want? There are so many variables that can go wrong why chance it? If you mess it up you are going to wind up paying over twice what you would of originally had you done it in salon. Best of luck.
Can I color my hair at home?
Hmmn tricky seriously I would go to the salon and ask your stylist to give u an all over color to start you out because color is the trickiest of all. Ur base color might catch red who knows, so ask your stylist how to keep up the color at home, most would rather tell u and keep u as a haircut appt than to loose u to someone else. Communication is good.And some stylist are realist also summer is coming MAKE SURE U BUY SOME SWIMMERS SHAMPOO N CONDITIONER like I said color is tricky and serious dont want ur ends fried.
Can I color my hair at home?
Plese find a friend that knows how to do it. My bff does mine all the time. I look like I spent $150.00. And I love it.
Can I color my hair at home?
Of course you can do it at home! Just make sure to get another person that knows what they're doing to help you!
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